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Jan 6, 2021
Acne Tips
Acne affects 5.6 million Canadians, nearly 20 per cent of the population. ( Acne is a...

Dec 11, 2020
What?! I Can Stop My Skin From Aging?
Well, to a certain degree you can. Absolutely. You don’t have to cross your fingers to age well anymore. By investing in facials, at-home...

Dec 11, 2020
What's The #1 Skincare Product I Should Be Using?
SPF! SPF! SPF! Shop Solar Defence SPF at the spa! Send us a message. I can’t stress this enough to my clients. 80-85% of skin aging is...

Dec 11, 2020
What's Dermaplaning & Is My Hair Going To Grow Back Thicker?
The answer is 100% no. You’re hair is not going to grow back thicker. You’re hair is not going to grow longer. You’re not going to grow a...

Dec 11, 2020
Why I Called My Aesthetics Biz Naked Skin Esthetics
When I tell people my business name, most people respond with "Huh, that's different". The wondering is over. Let me explain why I...
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